Schedules to the Constitution

(Click here to return to the Science Party NSW Constitution.)


Schedule A – Office Bearers

The main offices of the Science Party are defined in the Constitution. Namely, in order of seniority: the Leader, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Coordinator.

Following the main offices in seniority are the auxiliary offices of the party, appointed by the Executive on the advice of the main office bearers. They are delegated subsets of the specific duties of the main offices, as recorded in this document.

Auxiliary Offices are to be filled by the executive. Where casual vacancies exist, the executive is to ensure that the responsibilities of the vacant office are carried out by other officers of the party.

An office bearer may hold more than one office. As specified in the Constitution, all office bearers must be members of the Science Party. When an auxiliary office is vacant, its responsibilities shall revert to the relevant main office.

The scope and responsibilities of auxiliary offices are as follows:

Policy Officer

Manage the party's internal policy development process by:

  • Guiding policy discussions amongst the general membership; and
  • Presenting to the Executive summaries of debates concerning any proposed changes to the party policy platform; and
  • Assisting in the maintenance and publication of the official policy, including on the party website; and
  • Overseeing and directing any research required for policy development.

The policy officer reports to the Executive.

Communications Officer

  • Decide the strategic direction of the communications team across all platforms; and
  • Ensure that members receive a regular electronic newsletter; and
  • Report on the team's activities to the other senior officers and the Executive.

The Communications Officer reports to the Executive.

Social Media Officer

  • Create social media content (polls, posts, image macros, etc.) in conjunction with volunteers; and
  • Ensure that enquiries received via social platforms (Facebook, Twitter) are responded to.

The Social Media Officer reports to the Communications Officer.

Membership Officer

  • Assist with the administration of memberships of the party, including processing membership applications and resignations, and tracking probationary and financial status.

The membership officer reports to the Secretary.

Volunteer Manager

  • Drive volunteer recruitment; and
  • Direct volunteer project requests; and
  • Maintain a database of volunteers.

The volunteer manager reports to the Secretary.

IT Officer

The IT Officer is responsible for the technical oversight of all of the Science Party's information technology. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Mailing lists
  • Email accounts
  • Google drive
  • Task management platforms
  • Domain name (
  • Website/blog (i.e., Nationbuilder)

The IT officer reports to the Executive.

Current office bearers, as of 16 May 2021

Leader: Andrea Leong
Secretary: Saritha Manickam
Treasurer: Michael Maroske
Coordinator: Andrea Finno
Policy Officer: (vacant)
Communications Officer: Ruth Gordon
Social Media Officer: (vacant)
Membership Officer: (vacant)
Volunteer Manager: (vacant)
IT Officer: (vacant)

Schedule B - Preferential Voting

When a vote with more than two outcomes occurs (for instance an Executive Election where more than two tickets have been nominated), the Science Party NSW shall employ the preferential voting method of Ranked Pairs.

Schedule C - Financial Year

The Science Party NSW financial year shall run from July 1st to June 30th.

Schedule D - Clarification of roles under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW)

For the purposes of the NSW Associations Incorporation Act 2009:

  • The Executive shall be the Party's committee.
  • The Secretary shall be the Party's public officer.
  • Anyone who is a member of the Executive or a main office bearer (or both) shall be an authorised signatory for the Party.

Schedule E - Listing of Affiliates

The Party has no affiliates as of 4 Feb 2017.