Congratulations and welcome to our new leadership team!

Congratulations and welcome to the new NSW Branch leadership team!



James Jansson, Andrea Leong, Eve Slavich, Ruth Gordon, Markus Pfister.


After I announced my resignation at the AGM earlier this month, James Jansson was elected branch leader by a ballot of NSW members. Eve Slavich, Ruth Gordon, Markus Pfister and I will continue as executive members. You can read a little about us here.

I thank Meow-Ludo Meow-Meow for running a competing executive ticket and for filling a casual vacancy on the executive for the last month.

I'm looking forward to what James and the rest of the exec have planned to meet the challenge of the state election in March 2019. Now that the Wentworth by-election has passed, I'll be getting stuck into my Heffron campaign! We also have plenty of preparation to do for the 2020 council elections.

Much of my reason for stepping out of the leadership was so I could spend more energy on some things I want to achieve within the federal party, as Australia looks towards a May 2019 federal election.

Thank you all for your ongoing support of the Science Party as it pushes to bring scientific thinking to all levels of government.


The Science Party is staffed entirely by volunteers. We don't take money from corporations, only from people like you. If you want to help us bring truth and honesty back into politics please consider a tax deductible donation today.